Rotunno Mini-Update
Summer Service Project
Beach Days
Rotunno Mini-Update
Everything seems to be going OK with this fifth and final pregnancy, thank God! Baby Girl Rotunno is doing great. So am I, except for the fact that I’m having trouble walking! I have the terrible heel pain that I’ve heard other women complain about. Now I get it–it hurts! On the bright side, morning sickness went away at 12-14 weeks when it was supposed to, and I think that my new gluten-free diet has been helping too.
Here are some sufficiently awkward selfie photos of my pregnant belly at 16 weeks and 31 weeks.

Summer Service Project:
Gleanings for the Hungry is a wonderful family trip for us. We get to work hard and hang out with amazing people. We come home energized and ready to take on life. Thank you to my husband Andy for planning and organizing this trip for our church twice a year, and thank you to the Gleanings staff for your love, hugs, great food, and hospitality. Find out more about Gleanings for the Hungry here.
After giving it a try for a year, I still say I love teaching my daughter from home. This year I have two students: a first grader and a fourth grader. Plus two little ones. And a newborn in November. How much can I handle? Will I do a good job? Even though it seems crazy, I am really excited for this challenge. I think it will be really good for me and force me to stay organized. In case you missed it, you can read about Why I Decided to Homeschool My Daughter here.
It is time for me to get back into a writing schedule. The amazing thing is that while I have taken a break from writing this summer, I have still been writing in my head. I have a few novels going on in my head, and I really need to write them down. I have some rough outlines, but I’d love to actually set time aside to write them out. It’s just that I have these little kids running around all day! More about How to Start Writing Your Story here.
My girls are starting ballet classes again this fall. I am so happy about it! They love to dance. My nine-year-old started taking tap dance classes this summer. She is getting really good, and I am having so much fun practicing with her in the kitchen. I have managed to get to ballet class myself a few times this summer. It is always healing and therapeutic for me.
Beach Days:
The moment I got to Zuma Beach, I remembered why I need to go there more often. We were pretending to surf, chasing seagulls, and examining the bright blue jellyfish that washed up on the shore.
My feet didn’t hurt while I was on the sand. My complexion cleared up and the stresses of life dissipated. It was a beautiful day. What is it about that beach air, sunshine, and cool water?
Thank you God for new life growing inside me, service to the poor and hungry, and for the chance to teach my children at home, pouring my life into the lives of my children. Thank you for giving me writing as a form of therapy and mental exercise. Thank you for ballet as a form of therapy and physical exercise. Thank you for the beach, your gorgeous creation, where we can play, rest, smile, breathe, and heal.
Beach photos by Marisa Santiago
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